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Finance - Accounting Technician - Apprenticeship


An Accounting Technician is someone who executes tasks in the areas of accountancy, finance, and taxation, to help prepare the work of accountants.

Award Name Diploma - Irish Prof Body
NFQ Classification
Awarding Body Accounting Technicians Ireland
NFQ Level
Award Name Level 6 Advanced Certificate (Level 6 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body QQI
NFQ Level Level 6 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Diploma - Irish Prof Body Accounting Technicians Ireland
Level 6 Advanced Certificate (Level 6 NFQ) Major QQI Level 6 NFQ
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
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Entry Requirements

Eligibility Criteria

The minimum eligibility criteria are as follows:

Leaving Cert students and applicants under 23

Leaving Certificate students 2019-2022 should have at least 300 CAO points and at least an O5 grade in English and Maths or Accountancy. If you are sitting your Leaving Cert in June 2023, you can apply for the programme with an update on any subject results have or predicted points hope to attain but any final offer will be subject to your Leaving Cert results.

For applicants aged under 23 who sat the Leaving Cert in 2015, 2016 or 2017, this is 300 CAO points and a D3 in Ordinary Level English and Maths of Accountants.

If you undertook a PLC course after your Leaving Cert, you are considered a Previous Qualification Holder, and should provide details on your application form. See the Previous Qualification Holder Eligibility Guide below.

The levels listed below refer to the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) in the Republic of Ireland.

Level of Qualification Non-Accounting Related Qualification Accounting-Related Qualification
Level 4 or lower Not Eligible Not Eligible
Level 5 Eligible Eligible
Level 6 Eligible Not Eligible
Level 7 or higher Eligible Not Eligible

Mature learners (23 and above) with previous qualifications

Mature learners are eligible to apply. Previous qualification holders should provide details of their qualifications during the application process.

Applicants with no previous qualifications

Where an applicant has no (formal) qualification, eligibility will be determined through a series of questions.

Generally this will be done as you complete the online application form.

Enhanced Eligibility Criteria
All applicants should bear in mind that individual employers have the discretion to enhance the entrance criteria beyond the minimum academic standards.

Course Web Page

Further information

If you would like to become an Accounting Technician Apprenticeship in September, please visit for more information.

You can complete the Online Application for the Accounting Technician Apprenticeship at the 'Application weblink'

ATI will follow up on your application directly.

What is the Accounting Technician Apprenticeship?
The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship is a two-year, work-based learning programme which leads to a Level 6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Accounting.

Places are awarded via a competitive interview process, where applicants who meet the minimum eligibility criteria (see below) are put forward to participating employers for consideration. If you are successful at interview stage, your new employer will issue you with a two-year contract and you start your apprenticeship in September.

You will work four days a week in an office environment, and study one day a week at college. You will be paid a salary of at least €22,035 a year, and enjoy fully funded college tuition fees.

You will emerge from the programme with a valuable qualification, which is strengthened by two years of practical work experience in accounting and finance.

Upon graduation, you will be eligible to apply for membership of ATI, the leading professional body for Accounting Technicians in Ireland and the provider of the highly sought-after MIATI designation.

What does an Accounting Technician do?

What is an Accounting Technician?
An Accounting Technician is someone who executes tasks in the areas of accountancy, finance, and taxation, to help prepare the work of accountants. An accounting technician may work under the supervision of an accountant and is responsible for updating, checking and analysing financial records, which can then be utilised by accountants. As an accounting technician, you can also offer independent accountancy services, which can give you an opportunity to help expand your professional portfolio. An independent accounting technician can work on complex tasks, such as, consulting and advisory.

What does an Accounting Technician do?

An Accounting Technician can look after a variety of things - meaning the job will never get boring! Below are some of the main duties of an accounting technician.

Updating reports and records with financial data.
Keeping records of money received, expenses, and controlling budgets.
Review data and ensure it is accurate.
Working with clients to prepare budgets, accounts, and other financial statements for them.
Administrative tasks such as organising payroll.

Is this programme for me?

Firstly, you should have a clear motivation to become an Accounting Technician and develop a career in accountancy. It is important to consider why you are interested in the programme, and what is it about accounting that appeals to you as a career path!

To succeed at interview stage, you must also be able to demonstrate:
Motivation to learn and achieve.
Dedicated class and work attendance.
Proficient time management.
Reliability when on the job.
Professional etiquette.
Ability to work as part of a team and use your own initiative.

The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship programme is a practical pathway to a career in Accounting where apprentices are mentored through a two-year work-based learning education training programme.

The duration of this programme is two years from the commencement date in September. You should be able to commit to completing the programme syllabus while working in full-time employment over the two years.

You will be attending off-the-job training at college one day and working with a registered Apprenticeship employer four days during college term time (on-the-job training) on a weekly basis. Outside of college term, you will be working five days a week.

For the FIRST YEAR in college the Stage One modules an apprentice will be studying are:
Financial Accounting
Business Law
Business Management

For the SECOND YEAR in college the Stage Two modules an apprentice will be studying are:
Advanced Financial Accounting
Advanced Taxation
Management Accounting
Financial Data Management

For each module studied the assessment will include the combination of written examinations and the completion of four approved work-based tasks per year.

Exams will take place online in June each year with an option for any repeats required to be completed in August.

Throughout the two years an apprentice will be supported by a college mentor and a workplace mentor assigned by their employer to oversee and support them with their on the job training.

Additional home study in the evenings or at the weekend will be needed to ensure success for this programme.

This national programme leads to a Level 6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Accounting and provides exemptions from professional accountancy bodies and relevant third level colleges to complete further studies.

The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship provides exemptions upon programme completion from professional accountancy bodies and relevant third level colleges to complete further studies. Please click here to download the range of progression routes.

Many apprenticeship employers will aim to retain their apprentice in employment following completion of the programme.

Regardless Accounting Technician apprentice’s skillsets are always required across all sectors so graduates are developing their career for the future.

You can contact the ATI Apprenticeship Team by calling 01 6498198 or emailing for further information or any queries.

Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
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