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Sport Psychology

Lifelong Learning
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Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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8 weeks. Wednesday 7.00pm - 8.30pm.

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Course Description:
The course aims to focus on the key topics of sport psychology and how they are applied to help performance in sport. Students will also gain knowledge of designing and delivering intervention strategies that can be applied to help with the mental aspect of sports performance. The course is ideal for those working in the leisure industry and may also be of benefit to business leaders and managers in relation to what drives staff performance and motivation.

Paul completed his accredited diploma in sport psychology with NCC. As well as a diploma in sport psychology Paul has also achieved a diploma in Counselling psychology with city colleges. Paul has a number of years’ experience working with sports teams ranging from league of Ireland all the way down to grassroots level. As well as experience in the sporting context, Paul is also heavily involved in working with local youth services and dheis schools.

Week 1. Motivation and goal setting, Understand the relationship between motivation and sport Have a good understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Understand goal setting and the importance of it being needed for sports performance.

Week 2. Stress and anxiety. Identify the characteristics and causes of stress. Outline methods to measure anxiety levels for individual performance. Understand different types of anxiety. Understand the impact of stress on sporting performance. Strategies to help with stress

Week 3. Understand what imagery is, Mental practice, Measuring and explaining imagery. Effectiveness of imagery in sport and Developing imagery skills to aid performance

Week 4. Positive thinking and self confidence, Understanding positive and negative thinking. Understand negative and positive thinking in relation to self confidence. To understand an effective intervention for an athlete or individual suffering from low self confidence.

Week 5. Aggression in sport, Understand types of aggression, Effective interventions of reducing aggression in sport.

Week 6. Burnout, Understanding the causes of burnout, understand the psychological & physiological symptoms of burnout.

Week 7. Relaxation and emotional control, Relaxation and sport, Effectiveness of relaxation on sporting performance, Relaxation techniques to help with performance & managing emotions in sport.

Week 8. Team dynamics, Types of Leadership styles, Communication, Creating a team environment & Strategies to help with team dynamics

Director of Adult Education: Mr Conor Barry
Telephone: 01 8129346 / 01 8221626

Alternate Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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