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Canine First Responder - First Aid for Dogs

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Alternate Provider:
Cavan Town
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider


4 weeks. Tuesday 7.00pm - 9.30pm.

Further information

To check out the next start date / enrolment date of all evening classes go to or email


The Canine First Responder course will be of relevance to anyone who owns a dog, works or volunteers in a dog shelter, dog grooming facility or veterinary clinic.

It provides the opportunity to carry out realistic CPR practice on a canine mannequin. The instructor is a qualified trainer and canine behaviourist with extensive knowledge of communicating with dogs, which is an important element of the course content. Other content covered includes:

Scene Assessment and Barrier use
Primary Assessment
CPR and Rescue Breathing
Control of serious bleeding
Shock Management
Spinal Injury Management
Injury Assessment
Illness Assessment
Splinting for Fractures and Dislocations
Bandaging Minor Wounds
Emergency Evacuation to Advanced Medical Treatment
Burns, Poisoning, Hypothermia/Hyperthermia and More

Following completion of this course, you may wish to avail of the opportunity to achieve certification from the recognised awarding body in this specialist area. The instructor can provide you with details about cost of such certification and the steps to achieve it.

School of Lifelong Learning,
Cavan Institute,
Cathedral Road,
Tel: 049 437 7940

Course Provider:
Alternate Provider:
Cavan Town
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider