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Bioprocessing Technologies - Sligo

Lifelong Learning

This programme has been developed by ATU Sligo and NIBRT in consultation with industry to develop a National Biopharma Training Programme to provide jobseekers with skills in cell culture processing, protein purification, biopharmaceutical validation, quality systems, bioanalytics and lean sigma. The course also includes a practical laboratory module at the NIBRT Biopharmaceutical Training facility.

Award Name Special Purpose Certificate (Level 8 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body Atlantic Technological University
NFQ Level Level 8 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 8 NFQ) Special Purpose Atlantic Technological University Level 8 NFQ
Course Provider:
Sligo Town
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance
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Course provider
Number of credits:


1 year part-time, online.

On-Campus Attendance
Two-day practical lab element in NIBRT, Dublin, during Semester 2.

Entry Requirements

Ordinary degree (Level 7) or its equivalent in an appropriate discipline (i.e. Engineering or Life Sciences).

Course Web Page

Further information

Total Fees €5,600

Who should apply?
This course is particularly suited to provide the core skills to transition those with previous experience as operators, technicians or supervisory/managerial grades to similar roles within the (bio)pharma manufacturing sector and also to more specialised roles.


Biopharmaceutical Facilities and Utilities
Biopharmaceutical Science Project [E]
Biopharmaceutical Science Practical [E]
Biocontamination Control
Formulation Fill Finish and Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals
Recombinant Drug Development and Engineering

[E] = Elective Module. Modules subject to availability.

Course Coordinator: Mary Butler:
Student Advisor: Michelle Moore:

Course Provider:
Sligo Town
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: