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Socially Engaged Theatre - Crawford College of Art & Design

Lifelong Learning

The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the basic principles of socially engaged theatre. Graduates will learn how to effectively use theatre in both formal and non-formal contexts as a means for positive change.

Award Name Special Purpose Certificate (Level 8 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body Munster Technological University
NFQ Level Level 8 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 8 NFQ) Special Purpose Munster Technological University Level 8 NFQ
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime, Weekend
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits:


1 Year, Part-time.

One academic year (Part-time, 2-day blocks, once a month - Friday/Saturday).

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements
• Demonstrated interest in Visual Art/Theatre/Music or a relevant area

• When you are applying online, please upload a CV, and a motivational statement detailing why you want to do the course.

What is RPL?
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is when formal recognition is given for what you already know prior to starting on a programme or module. With recognition of prior learning the focus is on learning and not on experience as such. You can apply for RPL in any MTU accredited programme or module. Programmes which are accredited by professional bodies or any external awarding bodies may have their own procedures for RPL which you should refer to.

Course Web Page

Further information

Online application is open on 17th January for course commencing 27th September 2022.

Please note that applicants will be required to pay an acceptance fee of €500 online if a place on a course is offered. This fee is deductible from the overall course fee.

Note: You will not be charged for applying for the programme by clicking the 'apply now' button, you are only asked to pay an acceptance fee if a place is offered to you, and you wish to accept it.

When you are completing the application form, please upload a CV and a motivational statement detailing why you want to do the course.

MTU Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork


Application Deadline: 14th May 2023

The socially engaged theatre programme is a Level 8 certificate comprising of two 5 credit assessed modules. Through experiential learning, this course provides an opportunity to explore socially engaged theatre theory and application within a group setting. The learning environment will be a blended mix of indoor and outdoor locations. When we are outdoors, we will travel to nearby greenspaces including city parks. Outdoor environments enhance learning experiences by connecting us to nature, ourselves, and real-world applications.

The aim of the course is to introduce participants to the basic principles of socially engaged theatre. Graduates will learn how to effectively use theatre in both formal and non-formal contexts as a means for positive change.

The first module introduces students to a range of socially engaged theatre processes. Through experiential learning, students will explore the aesthetics, ethical considerations, and transformative potential of socially engaged theatre. In the second module, students will devise and perform socially engaged theatre pieces aimed to address social challenges.

Why do the course?
• Learn fresh ways to inspire participants to explore social issues
• Learn approaches to theatre which bring an ethical and aesthetic awareness of socially engaged practices
• Develop your ability to devise, perform and evaluate socially engaged theatre practices that effectively respond to social issues.

Certificate in Socially Engaged Theatre (Level 8, 10 ECTS on the National Framework of Qualifications).

Chriszine Backhouse

Cork City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Daytime, Weekend
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: