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Calligraphy - as a mindful writing - Intermediate with Siobhan Campbell

Lifelong Learning
Dun Laoghaire
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider


10 weeks. Tuesday 18.30 - 20.00

Course Web Page

Further information

Check out the college website under and morning courses also for the next Start Date / Enrolment dates of part-time courses.

In addition, students are required to purchase a personal kit at their own cost.

Kit details will be available to download from here shortly

Suppliers: Hopkins of Wicklow or any Art & Hobby Shop.

We all had hands before the computer, yet with 27 bones our hands can work as mini-computers! They are tools of consciousness. Come and enjoy the wonderful gift of writing in a mindful way by participating in a Calligraphy course. This course will be conducted over 10 weeks in the special space of the Design area in BFEI.

This course is geared to those participants who have done some Calligraphy in the past and wish to explore the essence of why Calligraphy was known through the ages as a spiritual skill, discovering inner calmness through an outward craft.

Calligraphy is about communication and connection; qualities that we all may have missed over the last few years! Connection with our tools, connecting with our creative selves and ultimately communicating it for ourselves and others to enjoy!

“Only you can be you
Only you can create what you will create
That is worth something
That is worth everything” (L.H.Pearce)

The course will be delivered by Siobhan Campbell..Siobhan has a keen passion to make Art and its skills accessible to as many people as possible. Calligraphy has been a lifelong passion and she believes the flow of ink mirrors the flow of life as the same elements are at play. Ether is the space where the nib meets the paper; air is the rhythm of the pen, fire is the shape of the letters, water the ink itself and paper represents the earth. “Calligraphy is a portal to the present moment”.

Blackrock Further Education Institute,
Main Street,
Co. Dublin
Telephone: 01 2889717

Dun Laoghaire
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider