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Irish - Online Irisch-Kurse auf Deutsch

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Dublin 2
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Online or Distance
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Course provider


10 weeks.

Course Web Page

Further information


Gaelchultúr freut sich sehr, einen allgemeinen Irisch-Online-Sprachkurs für erwachsene Lernende auf Deutsch anzubieten. Die Teilnehmer werden an einem Tag pro Woche eine zweistündige Unterrichtseinheit besuchen. Für die Teilnahme an den Live-Online-Kursen benötigen Sie lediglich ein Headset mit Mikrofon (möglichst ein USB-Headset), einen Laptop oder Desktop-Computer und eine gute Internetverbindung. Vor Beginn des Kurses erhalten die Lernenden ein digitales Booklet zugesandt, das während des Unterrichts und für das Lernen zwischen den Kursen verwendet werden kann. Während des Unterrichts haben die Lernenden die Möglichkeit, virtuell die Hand zu heben und dem Lehrer Fragen zu stellen. Paar- und Gruppenarbeit ist ebenfalls ein fester Bestandteil jeder Einheit.

Dieser Kurs wird ausschließlich auf Deutsch unterrichtet und ist daher nicht für Personen geeignet, die keine deutschen Muttersprachler sind oder nicht fließend Deutsch sprechen. Die TeilnehmerInnen werden 10 Wochen lang an einer zweistündigen Einheit pro Woche teilnehmen.

Gaelchultúr has developed comprehensive syllabuses and every class at every level follows these syllabuses.

The communicative approach to language teaching is used by Gaelchultúr’s teachers, giving learners the opportunity to play an active part in each class.

A strong emphasis is placed on group and pair work and learners therefore have a chance to practise what they’ve been taught. The main focus is on speaking and listening in all classes (with the exception of Cruinneas sa Ghaeilge), but reading and writing activities also feature.

Terms and Conditions:
Course fees may be refunded in full to a learner up to five working days prior to the commencement of the course. The refund must by requested by contacting Gaelchultúr’s staff by email or by phone.

If, following the first class, the student decides that he/she would like to discontinue the course, 60% of the total fee will be refunded to him/her. Thereafter, no refund will be made to the student.

Gaelchultúr Teoranta has the right to cancel a class or to amalgamate classes.

If it is necessary to cancel a class, every effort will be made to place the participants in another class or to register them for an online course. A full refund will be made to the customer if these options do not suit him/her.

A student may defer his/her registration only once. If he/she wishes to defer registration, he/she must notify Gaelchultúr’s staff of this by week three of the course.

No refund will be made to the student if he/she does not accept a place on the next course he/she is due to attend.

Gaelchultúr will accept no responsibility in the event that a student registers at the wrong level. We advise our students to do our online Irish test or to seek our advice to ensure that they are undertaking the correct level.

If a student wants to move to another level, we cannot guarantee that a space will be available for him/her at that level. Should a space be available, Gaelchultúr will charge a €10 administration fee for making the change. A change may only be made to another level following the first class.

Course fees must be paid in full prior to commencement of the course. Attendance on a course is subject to full payment of fees.

11 Clare Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 TD34
Phone number: +353 (0) 1 484 5220

Course Provider:
Dublin 2
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Online or Distance
Apply to:
Course provider