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Greek - Beginners

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:


10 weeks. Tuesday 7.30 - 9.00pm.

Further information

To view the next start date / enrolment date of all evening classes please see "Application Weblink" below.


The aim of the course is for students to familiarise themselves with the Greek language, learn basic phrases and be able to communicate as beginners. Greek language is completely different from English, so students will need to learn the alphabet, the phonetics and be able to read words. When students are confident with the Greek alphabet, they will be ready to expand their vocabulary using real conversations which they may need when visit Greece. The vocabulary for each topic will be presented on the board (like a brainstorm) and they will be able to pick the words they want and speak in Greek to each other. Furthermore, during the course the students will have the chance to learn about Greek culture (e.g. traditional food).

The first 2-3 classes will be focused on phonetics, Greek letters, and simple words. We will practise some greetings, we will write names in Greek and practise reading small words (Emphasis on pronunciation).

The rest 7-8 classes will be focused on role play/ real conversations.

Possible Topics:
Introduce yourself or a third person
Say where you are from/ where you live
Talk about family
Talk about your job
Book a hotel or air tickets
Ask and give directions

General Information:
1. Fees are not refundable except when a class does not form.

2. Fees are payable in full on enrolment.

3. Smoking on school premises is prohibited by law.

4. Pobalscoil Neasáin does not accept liability for damage to persons or property.

5. Participants must be over 16 years of age.

6. Students must have access to their own device, with internet and webcam, in order to participate in online courses.

7. Materials: Expect to have to buy materials for some courses.

8. Please note that classes may fill quickly. Enrol now online to secure your place.

9. Classes will only run if there are sufficient participants-bring a friend!

10. We will contact participants in online courses prior to the beginning of classes.

11. There will be no in-person classes during Midterm Break (week beginning the 25th of October, 2022).

PLEASE NOTE: All classes for the Autumn ’22 term are subject to the current Covid-19 restrictions and conditions.


Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to: