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Data Analytics - Limerick


Data Analytics is the process of examining vast quantities of data, often referred to as Big Data, in order to draw conclusions and insights about the information they contain.

Award Name Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body Technological University of the Shannon
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ) Major Technological University of the Shannon Level 9 NFQ
Course Provider:
Limerick City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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1 year

Entry Requirements

A Level 8 or equivalent honours degree in Business, Science or
Engineering. Minimum grade of 2.1 (60%), comprising of at least 30 ECTS credits in any combination of maths, computer science or engineering. English Language: Equivalent of IELTS 6.0 and above.

Careers / Further progression

Career Opportunities
As Data Analytics is a relatively new and emerging field, the application of analytics spans a vast range of industries including finance, marketing, healthcare and biopharma. Career opportunities for graduates of this programme include:
• Data Analyst
• Data Scientist
• Performance and Analytics Analyst
• Data Operations Analyst
• Financial Marker Analyst
• Business Intelligence Analyst
• Customer Insight Analyst

Further Study
Upon successful completion of this programme, graduates have the opportunity to complete Level 9/10 programmes here at TUS or elsewhere.

Course Web Page

Further information

Start date: October 2024
Location: Moylish Campus Limerick

Applications will open the beginning of February 2024
Application deadline: August 31st.

Master of Science in Data Analytics
Data Analytics is the process of examining vast quantities of data, often referred to as Big Data, in order to draw conclusions and insights about the information they contain. Some examples of Data Analytics applications include real-time fraud detection, complex competitive commercial analysis, website optimisation, intelligent air, road and other traffic management and consumer spending patterns.

Big Data presents three primary problems: there’s too much data to handle easily; the speed of data flowing in and out makes it difficult to analyse; and the range and type of data sources are too great to assimilate. With the right analytics and techniques, these big data can deliver hidden and unhidden insights, patterns and relationships from multiple sources using Data Analytics techniques. This programme will ensure that you will be able to understand the data context, apply appropriate techniques and utilise the most relevant tools to generate insights into such data.

More Information
The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs report identified Data Analytics as an area of skills deficit. Given the wide range of industries in which Data Analytics can be utilised, the demand for Data Analytics graduates continues to soar. According to IBM, this demand is to increase by 28% by the year 2020 (Forbes, 2017). The average salary for Data Analysts in the US is $69,949 (PwC, 2017), in Ireland, the average salary is €44,758 (indeed ie, 2017).

Semester 1
• Data Analytics - Credits: 05
• Interpretation of Data - Credits: 05
• Programming for Data Analytics - Credits: 10
• Relational Databases - Credits: 05
• Statistics for Data Analytics - Credits: 05

Semester 2
• Advanced Analytics
• Advanced Databases - Credits: 10
• Data Visualisation - Credits: 10
• Research Methods - Credits: 05

Semester 3
• Applied Research Project - Credits: 30

Business and Humanities
Faculty Office

Course Provider:
Limerick City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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Course provider