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Jewellery Making

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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8 weeks. Monday 7.00pm - 9.00pm.

Further information

Check out the next start dates / enrolment for courses on the college website under Adult Education

€150 (Including materials and use of tools).

Introduction to Jewellery Making.
In this 8 week practical course you will be introduced to the basic metalwork skills needed to make jewellery. Through a series of assigned projects you will be taught how to cut and prepare metal, create texture and how to solider. Each finished project will be a piece of jewellery for you to keep or gift to a loved one. The final 2 weeks will be free for students to put the skills they have learned into making pieces of their own design.

All the tools necessary will be made available for you during the class. Should anyone to continue making outside of the class they will need to acquire their own tools. The course includes enough base metal (Brass) to complete the course however if you wish to make more the purchase of additional materials can be facilitated.

The tutor will allow plenty of capacity for individual students to alter each project to suit their skill level. Some people will take to the making very quickly and will perhaps make many pieces, while at the same time others may make just one. By going around to each student individually the tutor will make sure that each person gets out of the class what they had hoped for.

Tutor: Sinead Cooke

Week 1
An introduction to the professional quality jeweller’s tools being used during the class. Go over some health and safety with regard to the tools. Begin the first project – Earrings, create a matching pair of earrings with a textured surface

Week 2
Continue project 1
Introduce project 2 – Pendant, create a pendant by sawing and piercing flat sheet metal.

Week 3
Continue project 2 Introduce project 3 – Necklace, create a multi part necklace by utilizing the skills learned in the previous 2 projects. In addition students will learn how to make jump rings to link each of the parts they make together and to make small lengths of chain

Week 4
Continue project 3

Week 5
Continue project 3 if necessary
Introduce project 4 – Ring, using skills learned in the previous projects students will prepare a piece of metal to form into a ring and learn how to solder it to form on solid ring.

Week 6
Continue project 4
Discuss possible self directed projects with each student which will be the focus of the remaining classes.

Week 7 and 8
Self directed projects with support and guidance. Each student will get one to one time to discuss their self directed project.

Contact us on:
t: 01 8038069
Phone/ Text/ Whatsapp: 083 0348582
Find us on Factbook and Twitter: Adult Ed Portmarnock Community School.

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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