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Art - Painting - Watercolours

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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10 weeks. Wednesday 7.00 - 9.00pm.

Further information

Check college website
Contact the college for details of next enrolment & start date.


Carole Anne Floyd
This course will guide participants through the core techniques of this expressive medium. It is suitable for both those without any experience of painting and those who wish to further develop their technical skills and deepen their understanding of the creative process.

The class structure of tutor demonstrations and classroom practice will introduce and explore the various watercolour techniques of wash, wet into wet, glazing, brushwork and colour mixing. We will also have fun using a broad range of materials to add texture and excitement to our work. The atmosphere of the class is relaxed and co operative.

The visual elements of painting in any medium – line, form, volume, composition, perspective, colour and texture – will be elaborated upon as they arise though the weekly painting sessions.

This course will enable participants, whatever their skill level, to discover their creative potential. By experiencing first hand the distinctive watercolour qualities of immediacy, vibrancy and translucence they can develop the confidence to generate their own painting ideas and experiment freely with the medium.

Carole Anne Floyd is a visual artist living in West Cork where she draws inspiration from the natural beauty of her immediate surroundings and from the mountains beyond. With a background in sculptural ceramics, Carole Anne currently works in watercolour, exploring, through her painting processes, an approach to landscape that reflects her concern with environmental and ecological issues. She is an experienced teacher and has taught art at second level and in adult education in both Ireland and abroad.

Phone: 021 4322382
Facebook: Ashton Adult Education

Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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