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Breakthrough - Strategic Planning

Lifelong Learning

The Breakthrough programme aims to develop the leadership and management skills of managers including being involved in determining the strategic direction of their organisation.

Award Name Level 6 Component Award (Level 6 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Minor
Awarding Body QQI
NFQ Level Level 6 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Level 6 Component Award (Level 6 NFQ) Minor QQI Level 6 NFQ
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Blended, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits:
Credit 15 (FET)


6 days face-to-face + 9 eLearning modules to be completed over three months

40 hours tutor lead, 9 hours eLearning, 100 hours work based learning (150 total hours)

50 CPD points

Course Web Page

Further information

IN-COMPANY COURSE Maximum 18 participants

QQI Course: €10,000
Non-QQI Course: €7,500

About this Breakthrough course
Succession planning and developing the skills of managers to enable them to adopt a more strategic approach to their work is an on-going issue for organisations striving to maintain competitiveness whilst also ensuring a continuous high standard of service delivery.

The Breakthrough programme aims to develop the leadership and management skills of managers including being involved in determining the strategic direction of their organisation. This in-company course is action learning based and designed to encourage managers to work together on team-based projects that are relevant to the strategic plans and direction of their organisation.

The overall design follows the 70:20:10 model of blended learning which recognises that 70% of learning and development comes from the experience on the job, 20% comes from learning from other people (usually their manager) and 10% comes from further training.

Who is this training for?
Breakthrough is designed to suit the needs of managers working in all sectors. It is aimed at those managers who wish to assume greater strategic and managerial responsibility in the future.

At the end of the programme participants will be able to:

Evaluate the strategic planning process

Assess the aims, short and long term objectives, SMART objectives, mission statements, and strategic vision of the organisation

Appraise group and teamwork

Assess the role of synergies within teams

Utilise a range of key management tools, to include SWOT and PESTEL, to analyse and draw conclusions

Formulate a strategic plan for a period of 3-5 years

Support the development of a mission statement and a strategic vision

At the end of the programme participants will be able to:

Evaluate the strategic planning process
Assess the aims, short and long term objectives, SMART objectives, mission statements, and strategic vision of the organisation
Appraise group and teamwork
Assess the role of synergies within teams
Utilise a range of key management tools, to include SWOT and PESTEL, to analyse and draw conclusions
Formulate a strategic plan for a period of 3-5 years
Support the development of a mission statement and a strategic visionManaging

Tutor-led Modules

Tutor-led Modules

The strategic planning process
Formulating a vision, mission and goals
Using management tools
Crafting a strategy
Implementing a strategy
Evaluating a strategy
Working in teams
Presentation skills

Strategic Project

The group strategic projects are mentored by an appropriate senior manager and aligned with the strategic objectives of the organisation. It allows participants to make a significant contribution to performance in areas of strategic importance.

eLearning Modules

Role of a manager
Engaging staff through personal leadership
Engaging staff through enrolment
Execution: preparing for performance
Execution: support team effort
Envisaging success: developing a strategic focus
Envisaging success: strategy into action
Envisaging success: managing change

When QQI Level 6 accreditation is required participants will be required to complete an assignment and a work based strategic project.

Leading to QQI Strategic Planning Component Certificate Level 6 (6N3673)

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Blended, Part time
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits:
Credit 15 (FET)