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Heat Pump Installation Commissioning Maintenance & Servicing - Galway

Lifelong Learning

The aim of the programme is to support the Government’s Climate Action Plan by providing learners with the necessary installation, maintenance and servicing training, which will allow the graduates to be placed on the Irish Register, and thus deemed competent as heat pump installers for both ground to water and air to water technologies.

Award Name Special Purpose Certificate (Level 6 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Special Purpose
Awarding Body Atlantic Technological University
NFQ Level Level 6 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Special Purpose Certificate (Level 6 NFQ) Special Purpose Atlantic Technological University Level 6 NFQ
Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance, Blended
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Course provider
Number of credits:


1 semester part-time, blended.

Study Hours
It is recommended that students allow for 5-6 hours per 5 credit module to their studies.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must be trained and certified, L6 Advanced Craft Certificate, as a plumber or refrigeration engineer, or alternatively have, as a minimum, a Higher Certificate in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent in a cognate discipline and have basic electrical and plumbing skills. In addition, all learners must have basic ICT skills.

Course Web Page

Further information

Total Fees €2,200
DASBE students pay €1,400

Who should apply?
Once accredited, graduates of this programme will be eligible to register as Heat Pump Installers which will allow them to avail of numerous work opportunities or to seek new opportunities in industry. For plumbers and refrigeration engineers, being capable of competently designing, installing, servicing and maintaining heat pump systems will become an increasingly desirable skill of the future.

Domestic Heat Pumps I: Installation and Commissioning
Domestic Heat Pumps II: Maintenance and Service

Examination & Assessment
The programme itself includes practical and theoretical learning, and all learners will have to demonstrate their competency to size, install, service and maintain the performance of a heat pump. Final exams are also used to assess students.

Course Coordinator: Dr Oliver Mulryan:

Course Provider:
Galway City
Attendance Options:
Part time, Online or Distance, Blended
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: