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Dance Meditation & Positive Mind-set

Lifelong Learning
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Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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8 weeks. Wednesday 8.00pm - 9.00pm.

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Course Content:
1. Learn how to improve the ability to cope with stressful situations, while releasing tension and improving health & have more joy in your life. Through gentle movements, dance meditation & positive mindset. Automatic Pilot. The foundations of Mindfulness and the body scan. Gentle movements

2. Working with obstacles. - The foundation attitude, working with the mind and the Body scan. Mindfulness of the breath. Gentle movements

3. Positive psychology – the pillars of positive psychology. Understanding emotions, different view of the past & more acceptance brings more happiness, contentment in the present and hope for the future

4. Mindfulness of the Breath & of the Body in Movement. - Posture. Mindfulness of breathing – guidance. Coming to our senses. Mindfulness movements

5. Exploration of the use of mindful body awareness, somatic movement, attachment bonding & empathic reflection in ways that assist transformation, self-development and personal growth

6. Dance with music through the phases of sensing, grounding, expressing, releasing, connecting & completing. From birth we first discover ourselves and make contact with our world through movement, touch and non-verbal interactions. Neuroscience points the importance of this process in the creation of our senses of self as we learn to adapt to our environment

7. Staying present. - The stress reaction cycle & the stress response. Half way review- Clarity of intension & commitment. Yoga Mindfulness movements.

8. Acceptance, allowing & letting Be. - “Copping with difficulty” breading space. Yoga Mindfulness movements.

9. Thoughts are not facts. Relating to thoughts, ways that you can see your thoughts differently. Yoga Mindfulness movements.

10. How can I best take care of myself? Bringing awareness to times of difficulty. Using the breathing space, the action step. Yoga Mindfulness movements.

11. Acceptance & change. Daily mindfulness, final review.

12. Theory & practice (Dance meditation, yoga mindfulness movements)

Director of Adult Education: Mr Conor Barry
Telephone: 01 8129346 / 01 8221626

Alternate Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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