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Cooking - Italian Cookery

Lifelong Learning
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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Course provider


10 weeks. Thursday 19.00 - 21.00.

Further information

To view the next start date / enrolment date of all evening classes please see "Application Weblink" below.


During this 10 week course you will learn to prepare and cook a range of traditional Italian foods, dishes and desserts. You will learn how to make tasty pasta from scratch. Using dough that you make in class, you will also make your own pizzas. Other dishes will include Bolognese, Bruschetta, Pasta Bake and Tiramisu.

Participants will have the opportunity to suggest dishes that they would like to learn how to prepare. By the end of the course you will have mastered a range of skills and cooking techniques, and will be confident in cooking a range of wholesome Italian meals for yourself and your family, and get some great ideas for dinner party dishes.

Tutor Details
Valentina Rossi
Valentina started studying cookery in the Italian famous cookery school “Il Gambero Rosso” in 2006. Following completion she joined the professional Chefs school “A Tavola con lo Chef” learning all secrets of food and its preparation specialising in pastries. She moved in Ireland in 2008 working as pastry chef in well-known Galway restaurants then moved into the capital to work in the most fine and high standards Pastry kitchens. She studied Culinary Art in DIT and set up her own food business in 2014.

General Information:
1. Fees are not refundable except when a class does not form.

2. Fees are payable in full on enrolment.

3. Smoking on school premises is prohibited by law.

4. Pobalscoil Neasáin does not accept liability for damage to persons or property.

5. Participants must be over 16 years of age.

6. Students must have access to their own device, with internet and webcam, in order to participate in online courses.

7. Materials: Expect to have to buy materials for some courses.

8. Please note that classes may fill quickly. Enrol now online to secure your place.

9. Classes will only run if there are sufficient participants-bring a friend!

10. We will contact participants in online courses prior to the beginning of classes.

11. There will be no in-person classes during Midterm Break (week beginning the 25th of October, 2022).

PLEASE NOTE: All classes for the Autumn ’22 term are subject to the current Covid-19 restrictions and conditions.


Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider