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American Studies - Research


The Clinton Institute was originally established as a centre for American Studies and we have run teaching and research programmes in this interdisciplinary field as well as public events on contemporary American topics.

Award Name Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 10 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Doctoral (Level 10 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 10 NFQ
Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
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PhD 3 - 4 years full-time

The PhD programme is 3-4 years Full Time. Entry is in either September or January.

Entry Requirements

In general applicants for the PhD must hold a BA and MA or equivalent qualifications, with a distinguished record of academic achievement. However, there are no automatic criteria which make students eligible for a research degree. The Institute takes all elements of the application into account with close attention given to the quality of the applicants’ application form, research proposal, their referees recommendations and their academic record. Applications from students without evidence of a completed postgraduate degree can only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Such applications will be considered on a case-by case basis.

It is advisable to contact the Institute in advance of submitting an application as it may be beneficial in shaping your research proposal and to identify a suitable supervisor in advance.

Course Web Page

Further information

Please note that PhD applications are now accepted to start in September, January and May each year.

We cover domestic American issues but also pay close attention to America’s global interactions and in particular its transatlantic relations.

Our approach is very much Interdisciplinary, combining politics and foreign policy, and media and culture.

We offer a structured PhD programme that includes the writing of a doctoral thesis based on original research and training in research methods. PhD students are assigned a supervisor and also have meetings with a Research Studies Panel composed of academic staff with expertise related to the student’s interests. In addition, students have the option of auditing additional postgraduate modules.

Applicants to the PhD programme must have completed and earned a minimum of a 2.1 grade (GPA: 3.6) in a taught Masters (MA, MSc, MLitt, etc.) programme in a suitable field and articulate a research interest that fits with the expertise of the Clinton Institute’s faculty. If you are interested in exploring your research plans further with a member of staff, please contact that individual by email.

We also provide commentary and analysis on contemporary America affairs via our website and in particular our media platform America Unfiltered that provides raw and relevant commentary on American topics of the moment.

This an important moment in the history of the US, a time of political and cultural convulsions that are dividing the nation and troubling its international relations and we will be providing critical analysis of this ongoing drama through our research and commentary.

We cover domestic American issues but also pay close attention to America’s global interactions and in particular its transatlantic relations.

Our approach is very much Interdisciplinary, combining politics and foreign policy, and media and culture.

We also provide commentary and analysis on contemporary America affairs via our website and in particular our media platform America Unfiltered that provides raw and relevant commentary on American topics of the moment.

This an important moment in the history of the US, a time of political and cultural convulsions that are dividing the nation and troubling its international relations and we will be providing critical analysis of this ongoing drama through our research and commentary.
+353 (0)1 716 1560

Course Provider:
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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