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Art - Painting Processes - Intermediate

Lifelong Learning

This course is suitable for students who wish to become more accomplished and confident at painting to progress to an accredited course or enhanced studio practice. This is an intermediate level course, participants should have acquired basic skills and techniques in drawing and painting.

Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
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Course provider


16 weeks, Monday 6.30pm to 9pm

Course Web Page

Further information

Classes start week of 16th September 2024


Bookings Open Early July 2024

The aim of the course is to

Encourage students to use paint as a vehicle in which to express ideas and develop concepts

Emphasise the importance of the sketchbook or notebook as an essential tool for storing and developing ideas, conducting research and keeping a reflective visual diary

Support the learner to discover how the skills that are covered in
the course support each student’s individual approach

Direct students towards the study of artists in a historical and contemporary context that are appropriate to project work

Students will be given instruction in the use of sketchbooks and mind maps as a starting point for project work. The course is process-driven where ideas are explored through a series of exercises. The initial classes of the course include a revision of the basic methods of painting progressing to more complicated techniques and processes. Acrylic paint, and to a lesser extent, oil paint, is used. Watercolour materials and techniques are not covered.

Emphasis is placed on keeping a research notebook and students are encouraged to use their notebook as a testing ground for techniques, thoughts, ideas and observational drawing. Student will develope their own visual language using a wide range of sources and ideas to outline initial work. Students will engage in exercises demonstrated by the tutor and be encouraged to follow up and investigate the new process’s suitability for project work. Techniques covered are glazing, alla prima, under and overpainting, washes, drybrush, scumbling, impasto and sgraffito. Topics such as aerial perspective, night scenes, abstraction and skin tones for portraiture are covered.

Teaching methods include small group and one-to-one tutorials, and towards the end of the course, student presentations and group critiques.

More Information
Tel + 353 1 636 4214
Instagram @cead.ncad
Twitter @cead_ncad

Thomas Street, Dublin 8
Attendance Options:
Part time, Evening
Apply to:
Course provider