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Northern Ireland

This course has been designed to meet the growing demand for expertise in the areas of music and music technology and can lead to careers in the music industry.

Award Name BTEC Higher National Diploma at UK Level 5
NFQ Classification
Awarding Body Pearson
NFQ Level
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
BTEC Higher National Diploma at UK Level 5 Pearson
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
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Course provider


2 years full-time.

Contact Hours per week
15 hours contact time to include practical classes, lectures, workshops or tutorials.

Mandatory Additional Study
Maximum of 3 hours per week average over the academic year.

Personal Study
22 hours maximum studying and preparing assessments in your own time per week and use of online materials.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of 32 UCAS points which can be made up of:

- A levels OR
- Level 3 Diploma in a related area equivalent to 32 UCAS points OR
- A Level Music at Grade C or above (32 UCAS points)

All applicants will undergo an Interview, online/multiple choice test and ability test. Performance pathway applicants will be asked to play a piece to display their instrument skills (2-3 mins), Production pathway applicants will be asked to provide a recording portfolio and/or electronic music composition. The outcomes of which, along with the required grades, will determine the successful entry to this programme.

Provide evidence of ability to undertake the programme by meeting the requirements for the accreditation of prior experiential learning. Further details on APEL can be found in the admissions section
Additional Skills

Desirable qualities should include good performance/production skills and/or experience.

Careers / Further progression

Where will it take me?
Progression to Work
Previous students on this course have gained employment as live sound engineers and successful songwriters as well as establishing their own businesses.

Progression to Degree
This course has partnerships with Queen’s University Belfast and Dundalk Institute of Technology whereby access to year two of music performance or music technology can be gained with appropriate grades in particular subjects.

The course also has work placement that provides learners with the opportunity to experience the music industry first hand and help establish themselves in a chosen area. This will be facilitated by college with the student choosing the placement provider.

How will it make me more employable?
- Gaining a vocational qualification demonstrating your technical competence
- Gaining a Personal Development qualification demonstrating your employability skills (communication, teamwork, critical thinking)
- Gaining hands on experience through Industry Projects
- Getting involved in activities such as the SERC Volunteer Programme and SERC Student Companies
- This course will help you succeed in a highly competitive job market by developing the skills and knowledge which employers need you to have.

Course Web Page

Further information

Start Date: 02/09/2024.

Bangor Campus


£2,850. While all major equipment is provided, you will need to provide your own instrument.

Year: 2024/25.

Applications are now open for 2024.

Visit and apply online (see "Application Weblink").

This course has been designed to meet the growing demand for expertise in the areas of music and music technology and can lead to careers in the music industry.

Course Structure
The course will be delivered in the new, purpose made building at the Bangor campus of the college and includes facilities such as state of the art recording studios and music rehearsal rooms as well as bespoke performance spaces and high-end computer labs.

You will take several mandatory modules in each year of the programme along with pathway modules depending on your chosen pathway: music performance or music production.

In addition to expert tuition from staff, key industry figures will offer advice both on campus and site specific, for example at a recording studio.

You will undertake several projects during your studies to give experiences of delivering industry realistic situations and equip you with employable skills.

Some of them are: concert production events, musical theatre, pantomime, site specific experimental composition and original music album.

Mandatory Modules:
Mandatory modules will include:
Marketing and Promotion for Musicians
Media Composition
The Music Industry
Music Event Management
Professional Development
Creative Portfolio
Creative Research Project

Optional Pathway Modules:
Performance Pathway:
Fundamentals of Composition
Creative Software Techniques
Advanced Composition Techniques
Advanced Performance Skills
Experimental Composition
Live Performance Skills
Musical Direction in Practice

Production Pathway:
Applied Sound Principles
Mixing and Mastering
Recording Technology
Advanced Composition using Technology
Advanced Music Production
Advanced Sound Engineering
Live Sound Techniques
Music Systems Programming

Students are assessed using a range of different methods. These include examinations, coursework, Project Based Learning, presentations, practical, posters, leaflets, role-play, and case studies. This is dependent on the requirements of each unit of study. Oral, written and online feedback will be provided during your course to help improve and monitor performance.

South Eastern Regional College
Bangor Campus
Castle Park Road
Co Down
BT20 4TD
Phone: 0345 600 7555

Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider