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Business - Management

PLC Post Leaving Cert

Improve your business outlook with advanced training in Business Management, Human Resource Management, business IT and presentation skills.

Increase your confidence with presentation software and communication skills that can be used in a business and training environment.

Award Name Level 6 Advanced Certificate (Level 6 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body QQI
NFQ Level Level 6 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Level 6 Advanced Certificate (Level 6 NFQ) Major QQI Level 6 NFQ
Attendance Options:
Full time
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Course provider


1 Year

Full-time. September - May
Hours between Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 14:00.

Entry Requirements

No CAO required (Leaving Cert./LCA/equivalent for under 23s). Application review discussion.

CAO points not required.
All applicants will be required to attend an application review discussion. An offer of a place on this course is contingent on the applicant meeting the minimum entry requirements set out here, and satisfactory presentation at interview.
For entry to Level 6 a full QQI Level 5 Award in a complementary area is required.

Careers / Further progression

Education Progression Opportunities
Use your full QQI award to progress to year one or two of Business Administration in CIT or year two of Office Information Systems in IT Tralee. Advance to Business, Business Information Systems, Information Systems Management, Finance & Investment. For more links and detailed information on how to use your Mallow College qualification go to

A full QQI award achieves a maximum of 390 points for CAO.

Career Opportunities
Administration in health services and local authorities.
Administrative roles in banking, insurance, solicitors and travel sectors.
Office administration and management in local offices.

QQI FET Links to CAO Courses

Course Web Page

Further information

Classes start the week of Monday the 11th of September 2023.

Full Fees (EU/EEA Citizens): €330
€50 Deposit+ €80 QQI Fees + €200 Registration per year.

Medical Card Holders: €250
€50 Deposit + €200 Registration per year.

Student Grant Recipients (SUSI): €330
€50 Deposit + €80 QQI Fees + €200 Registration per year.
Additional means-tested student grants are available from

Back to Education Allowance (BTEA): €330
€50 Deposit + €80 QQI Fees + €200 Registration per year.
Retain Social Welfare benefits.

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS): €0
€50 Deposit (refundable) per year.
Retain Social Welfare benefits. Additional weekly allowances for meals, travel and childcare are also available.

Learners attending full-time Further Education PLC courses may be eligible for a means-tested maintenance grant. Information regarding eligibility and application details is available at


In a course structured to suit those with family commitments, elevate your office and general management skills to an expert standard with this internationally recognised qualification and take your business career to the next level.

Use your full qualification to advance to year two of Business Administration and Office Management degrees in Institutes of Technology across Ireland.

Applicants presenting with QQI level 5 Word Processing 5N1358 and Spreadsheets 5N1977 components will most benefit from this course.

Business Management (6N4310) Level 6 QQI.
Role and function of management in the business environment, in addition to developing effective management skills.

Human Resources Management (6N3750) Level 6 QQI.
Role of human resources management in a range of organisations.

Professional Presentation (6N4006) Level 6 QQI.
Explore professional presentation skills, techniques and technologies with the learner, giving the learner every opportunity to practice and perfect their own best presentation style so that they can perform presentations to targeted audiences with confidence, ability and experience.

Spreadsheets (6N4089) Level 6 QQI.
Builds on the prior knowledge obtained from studying Spreadsheet Methods Level 5. It equips students with the skill and competency to design and create spreadsheets to an advanced level. Students utilise a range of advanced spreadsheet techniques, such as Pivot tables, validation rules, formula auditing, workbook protection etc. to create multi-sheet spreadsheets with added functionality. A broad range of database, financial, mathematical , statistical and logical formulae are utilised to allow the students to create interactive spreadsheets.

Word Processing (6N4977) Level 6 QQI.
Builds on the prior knowledge obtained from studying Word Processing Level 5. It equips students with the skill and competency to produce and edit complex documents to a professional standard. Students utilise Ms Word built-in collaboration tools such as Master documents and track change options. Advanced Microsoft Word features allow students to organise and migrate information from various applications to and from Microsoft Word.

Communications (6N1950) Level 6 QQI.
Communicate verbally and non-verbally in a comprehensive range of everyday tasks and in work-related tasks independently and/or in a supervisory capacity.

Work Experience (6N1946) Level 6 QQI.
Participate in the workplace for a limited time, carrying out work-related tasks autonomously and/or in a supervisory capacity.

Courses are continually developed – content and specific award components are subject to change.

6M4985 - Business

QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Business 6M4985.

50 full-time day students will travel, fully-funded, with Erasmus+ to another European country for 2 weeks.

Garda Vetting
Garda Vetting is dependent on your work placement setting.

Work Experience
A two week block placement is an integral part of this course. The dates will be specified by the College.

Phone: +353-22-43309

Attendance Options:
Full time
Apply to:
Course provider