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Health Sciences

Open University

This certificate offers an accessible and engaging introduction to the science behind human health and disease.

Award Name Certificate of Higher Education at UK Level 4
NFQ Classification
Awarding Body Open University
NFQ Level
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Certificate of Higher Education at UK Level 4 Open University
Course Provider:
Dublin City Centre
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Online or Distance
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits:


Part time – 2 years
Full time – 1 year
Time limit – 7 years

Study method: Distance learning

How much time do I need?
• Most of our students study part time, completing 60 credits a year.
• This will usually mean studying for 16–18 hours a week.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements to study this qualification; however, to study successfully you’ll need,
• The ability to read and write to a good standard of English
• Some basic maths skills
• Some familiarity with using a computer and the internet.

You can use our online diagnostic tool to help you decide if you’re ready, or if you could do with some extra preparation. There are also some study resources to help you prepare for SDK100.

Careers / Further progression

Career relevance
While this course is not attached to a specific professional endorsement, it provides a broad base of subject knowledge and skills appropriate to occupations such as biomedical research, diagnostic services, health promotion, health and safety, health therapy, and health services administration and management.

Other careers
People with science qualifications are well placed to enter both scientific and non-scientific jobs. The logical, reasoned approach needed for science study is relevant to a wide range of financial, business and public sector employment.

In addition to improving your career prospects, studying with the OU is an enriching experience that broadens your horizons, develops your knowledge, builds your confidence and enhances your life skills.

Exploring your options: see 'Course Web Page' link below for further information.

Course Web Page

Further information

Register for this course.
Start dates
• October 2024: Registration closes 05/09/2024
• February 2025: Registration closes 09/01/2025

Certificate of Higher Education in Health Sciences
This certificate offers an accessible and engaging introduction to the science behind human health and disease. If you’re interested in health science and developing essential skills for study, this course is for you. By the end of your study, you’ll have a valuable qualification under your belt and be on your way to an honours degree.

Key features of the course
• Provides a broad introduction to science, focusing on human biology and health
• Develops skills of reasoning and logic that are highly prized in the workplace
• Builds a solid foundation for further study

This Certificate of Higher Education is the same as Stage 1 of our Diploma of Higher Education in Health Sciences (W44) and BSc (Honours) Health Sciences (Q71). The first part is the same as our Certificate in Health Sciences (S19).

This certificate of higher education has one stage, comprising 120 credits.
• In Stage 1, you’ll study two 60-credit modules.

See 'Course Web Page' link below for more information on modules.

Learning outcomes, teaching and assessment
This qualification develops your learning in four main areas:
• Knowledge and understanding.
• Cognitive skills.
• Practical and professional skills.
• Key skills.

Tel: +353 1 678 5399
Our advisers are available to take your call Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00, excluding public holidays.

Course Provider:
Dublin City Centre
Attendance Options:
Full time, Part time, Online or Distance
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider
Number of credits: