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Chinese - Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages


Our Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) MA programme aims to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and professional competencies required to teach Chinese effectively to speakers of other languages in a variety of contexts globally and in Ireland.

Award Name Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body National University of Ireland
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ) Major National University of Ireland Level 9 NFQ
Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time, Part time
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider


1 year full-time, 2 years part-time.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold a Second Class Honours Grade II in a primary honours degree (NFQ, Level 8) or equivalent in a relevant subject area such as Chinese or Asian Studies.

Careers / Further progression

Skills and Careers Information
Chinese language learning among non-Chinese people is expanding all the time and it’s a truly global market. This means that an MA TCSOL from UCC can be a passport to employment as a Chinese language teaching professional not just in Ireland but anywhere in the world. For those who already have experience teaching Chinese, the MA TCSOL offers a chance to consolidate understanding and develop specific skills and expertise.

While at present there is no formal pathway to qualified teacher status in Irish schools for teachers of Chinese and this course will not qualify you to teach Chinese in state schools in Ireland, the MA TCSOL offers a prestigious prior qualification in this area which will open many teaching opportunities to you in Ireland and further afield.

Course Web Page

Further information

Start Date: 9th September 2024.

Closing Date: Rolling deadline. Open until all places have been filled. Early application is advised.

Course Outline
Our Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL) MA programme aims to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and professional competencies required to teach Chinese effectively to speakers of other languages in a variety of contexts globally and in Ireland.*

In this course, you will develop an understanding of key issues in teaching Chinese as a linguistic system to a variety of learners and become familiar with recent research and publications on theory and practice in teaching Chinese. Students of this programme gain practical professional experience by engaging with in-class observation and practice teaching and they learn how to evaluate their own professional competence and that of others.

Teaching internship placements are arranged by the Department of Asian Studies.

*Note: To be eligible for appointment to an incremental salaried teaching position in a secondary school in Ireland, a teacher must be registered. It is the Teaching Council alone that has the authority to determine what constitutes adequate qualifications for registration purposes. See the Teaching Council page at for registration details.

What happens in the programme?
The MA TCSOL combines theory with hands-on practice. In class, you’ll find yourself discussing theories and concepts used in language teaching and how they are relevant to Chinese, and reviewing the pros and cons of different ways of teaching languages. You’ll learn to analyse and explain Chinese as a linguistic system and to understand the varying challenges faced by learners of Chinese. You’ll observe successful teachers in action and discuss what you’ve learned, and in turn, you’ll develop teaching materials and teach students, with others observing your classes and providing constructive feedback.

Through written assignments and presentations to fellow students, you’ll learn the right professional terminology and gain experience in applying your theoretical understanding to effective lesson planning and delivery. Your teaching practice may also provide you with material for exploring a topic of special interest in your dissertation, in which all the knowledge and skills acquired during the course should come together. Throughout, as a UCC student, you’ll enjoy access to a beautiful and historic campus and a great range of student services and facilities.

Full-time students choose three modules in the Autumn semester and three in the Spring semester, with a dissertation completed over the summer months.
Part I - Semester One
CH6301 A Linguistic Introduction to Chinese (10 credits)
LC1101 English for Academic Study (10 credits) or
CH6302 Advanced Chinese for TCSOL Teachers (10 credits)
CH6303 Introduction to Teaching Practice (5 credits)
CH6307 From Pedagogical Theory to Effective Classroom (5 credits)

Part I - Semester Two
CH6304 Teaching Practice Internship (15 credits)
CH6306 Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages: A Pedagogical Grammar (10 credits)
CH6308 Postgraduate Research Skills (5 credits)

Part II - Semester Three
CH6305 Dissertation in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (30 credits)

Part-time students take the course over two years during weekday working hours. This part-time option is open only to Irish/EU students.

In Year 1 you choose 35 credits of taught modules.
In Year 2, you choose a further 10 credits of taught modules, 15 credits of teaching practice, and 30 credits for the dissertation.

Assessment is by a mixture of coursework and formal exams. You’ll be assessed in most cases by essays or other written assignments and by in-class presentations and other elements including classroom observation and teaching practice reports relating to the practice elements.

Dr Yanyu Guo
+353 (0)21 490 2640

Course Provider:
Cork City
Attendance Options:
Daytime, Full time, Part time
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Course provider