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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT & Motivational Interviewing MI for Practice - Waterford


The Masters of Science in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Practice programme is an 18 month programme that arises from a requirement for health and social care professionals to provide effective evidenced based interventions for a range of health and social problems.

Award Name Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body South East Technological University
NFQ Level Level 9 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ) Major South East Technological University Level 9 NFQ
Course Provider:
Waterford City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Number of credits:


18 months, full-time.

Entry Requirements

Applicants require a full Level 8 Award, or equivalent, and must meet the Institute’s English Language Requirements, where necessary.

The following minimum entry criteria apply:
- Registered nurse/midwife or professional qualification & experience in health or social care field (including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, medical practitioners, addiction counsellors, drug and alcohol workers and other relevant professionals);

- the student should have prior education on basic knowledge of psychological processes and dynamics, basic psychosocial intervention skills; This evidence should be provided when applying in the form of a transcript of prior learning;

- there must be a work environment that is conducive to achievement of programme learning outcomes (the student must be working a minimum of 12 hours per week in practice). There should be both an identified student leaning need and an identified service need within area of practice.

- A completed application form must be signed by the learner and endorsed by line manager.

- The student should also be assigned a mentor support person from within their multi-disciplinary team and confirmation of this provided by the line manager.

Careers / Further progression

The central aim of the programme is to foster and develop both the conceptual and practical skills needed to contribute, succeed and lead in the area of therapeutic practice. Many of the candidates for this programme will be already working in a variety of settings in which people problems are a key issue.

This course will afford participants to develop personally and professionally in the specific area of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Motivational Interviewing, and provide a springboard for career advancement.

Course Web Page

Further information

NEXT INTAKE September 2024



The programme is of particular interest to those working in health related fields including mental health nursing, social care, addiction services and voluntary organisations.

CBT is widely utilised for a range of psychological problems. Cognitive and behavioural treatments are among the most extensively evaluated of psychosocial interventions for problem alcohol and drug use. They have an impressive evidence base with many studies placing them at the very pinnacle of efficacious interventions.

Motivational interviewing (MI) grew out of the substance abuse and addiction treatment fields in the 1980s and continues to be widely used approach in this area. In the past 25 years, Motivational Interviewing has been adapted to the medical and social service fields and has now proven to be a significant tool for facilitating positive behaviour change in people with a range of addictions and others seeking to make positive changes in their lives.

Year 1
Semester 1
Developing CBT Skills
Personal Development for Health and Wellbeing
Developing Motivational Interviewing Skills
Undertaking Advanced Assessment in Practice

Semester 2
Advancing CBT skills for Practice
Advancing Motivational Interviewing Skills
Quantitative Research for Practice
Qualitative Research for Practice

Year 2
Semester 3
Consolidating CBT and MI Skills

Ms. Marie Carey
Lecturer Mental Health

Course Provider:
Waterford City
Attendance Options:
Full time, Daytime
Qualification Letters:
Apply to:
Number of credits: