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National Learning Network

The programme is aimed at rebuilding confidence, learning to cope with stress and what cause it, getting to know and appreciate oneself better, identifying hopes and goals and working towards putting things in place to achieve them, and getting to know and be involved in your community— with support and encouragement in every aspect.

Award Name Level 3 Certificate (Level 3 NFQ)
NFQ Classification Major
Awarding Body QQI
NFQ Level Level 3 NFQ
Award Name NFQ Classification Awarding Body NFQ Level
Level 3 Certificate (Level 3 NFQ) Major QQI Level 3 NFQ
Attendance Options:
Flexible, Daytime
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Programme Content (up to 24 months).

Flexible Delivery
Because Choices aims to identify and meet individual needs, the delivery is flexible and is formed up through negotiation and learner involvement and feedback. Central to the programme is the process of Needs Analysis and creating individual action plans which are developed through one to one key working with each individual.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements. You just need the will to succeed. Some courses do have an assessment period, this is to ensure that the course is suitable for you.


Students on National Learning Network courses must be over 16 and under 66 years of age.

Careers / Further progression

What choices do I have when my course ends?
This largely depends on the type of course you intend doing. At the end of our courses most students can choose between getting a job or moving on to further education, or a combination of both.

Course Web Page

Further information

The majority of National Learning Network programmes are open entry, which means that you can start at any time of the year.

We will be happy to advise you of the details of your course when you meet with us.

All of our courses are free to students. Choices is funded by the HSE.

Do I keep my benefits?
Yes. You will keep the financial benefits you currently have. You should contact the secretary at your local centre if you have any queries regarding benefits.

NLN will offer you supports that will not only help with your training but can assist you in relevant aspects of your life. You will hold onto your current financial benefits and in addition you may obtain a training allowance from SOLAS or the HSE.

The Choices programme in Naas is a recovery programme for people who need to take time out to restore their wellbeing, increase their fulfilment and sense of personal achievement. If you want to improve the quality and potential of your future, this could be the programme for you.

The programme is aimed at rebuilding confidence, learning to cope with stress and what cause it, getting to know and appreciate oneself better, identifying hopes and goals and working towards putting things in place to achieve them, and getting to know and be involved in your community— with support and encouragement in every aspect.

Certification: QQI Major Award Level 3

Choices is about recovery and integrates many different elements:
Communication skills, Group work, Personal Planning
Community Integration, Self Advocacy, Health Education
Stress Management, Creative Skills, Problem Solving
Assertiveness, Vocational Exploration, Individual Time
Living Life to the full, Mindfulness, Recovery
And a lot more to create an individual focused learning journey.

Contact NLN Kildare
National Learning Network
1st Floor Naas Town Centre, Naas,County Kildare
Tel: 045 988400 or 045 988417

Attendance Options:
Flexible, Daytime
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